Road Rides.

About our Road Rides.

Group road riding is an excellent way to develop smooth biking handling skills, as well as increased fitness stamina and power.

While on the roads, all group riders represent Brant Cycling Club and are therefore committed to adhering to the Group Ride Guidelines. Safe group riding takes practice, and requires a lot of cooperation and open communication. All of our rides are No Drop rides, except Advanced II. 

Please note: We encourage all riders joining BCC for the first time, regardless of ability and experience, to attend a novice ride first, prior to joining other rides. It is an important step in learning how our Club and group rides function and the expectations of all BCC members.

Ride Classifications.


Novice rides are an ideal starting place for beginner riders who are new to road cycling and are interested in learning the skill of group riding. Novice riders will be coached progressively. First, basic cycling skills such as gearing, clipping in/out, hand signals and communication  will be introduced. Then group riding skills such as drafting, as well as riding and rotating in formation. We utilize paved rail trail and gradually make our way onto the quieter country roads to practice road riding skills. 

Schedule: Mondays 6:00pm

Distance: 30-35km (mix of paved rail trail and road)

Pace: 25-27km/hour


Casual Road Rides are ideal for laid-back road cyclists who want to get out for an enjoyable spin at a comfortable pace and catch up with friends.  It’s more about recreation than pace, speed, or formation riding. During these rides, riders will stick together in small groups and utilize safe cycling practices. This ride differs from our Novice Road Ride because there will not be as much emphasis on learning formation or pace line riding skills. As with all of our road rides, you are expected to know and abide by safe riding etiquette and rules of the road. 

Schedule: Mondays 6:00pm

Distance: 25-35km (mix of paved rail trail and road)

Pace: 23-25km/hour

Intermediate 3, 2, and 1

Intermediate 3 is well-suited for those who have been road riding for a few years and are looking to increase their pace, distance, fitness or group riding skills. Participants should be comfortable learning how to ride and rotate in a group formation, both single file and two-abreast.

Pace: 27-28km/hour

Schedule: Wednedays 6:30pm & Social Fridays 6:00pm (approximately 35-40km in distance), Coffee Ride Sundays 9:00am (60-90km in distance)

Intermediate 2  requires the knowledge and experience in road riding, but has a slightly increased paced. There are optional out-and-back sections added for individuals or small groups to push the pace if desired.

Pace: 29-30km/hour

Schedule: Wednedays 6:30pm & Social Fridays 6:00pm (approximately 35-40km in distance), Coffee Ride Sundays 9:00am (60-90km in distance)

Intermediate 1  requires the knowledge and experience in road riding, but is a pace that closer resembles the Advanced Group. Riders in this group may be aiming to eventually ride in Advanced. Riders and Ride Leaders of this group may determine, prior to leaving the parking lot, that the ride will be a “drop ride”. 

Pace: 31-32km/hour


Advanced rides are for seasoned, conditioned riders who want to be challenged by mixed terrain, pack riding, and tempo sessions. It is a drop ride, and the pace is usually above 33+km/hour. 

*Note: As with all our group rides, Advanced riders must practice safe riding etiquette as laid out by our Group Ride Guide. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action (as per the Discipline Policy), up to and including permanent suspension of membership. 

Schedule: Wednesday’s 6:30pm

Distance: 50-60km

Pace: 33-37km/hour