Overview of our Rides
Road Rides
Group road riding is an excellent way to develop smooth biking handling skills, as well as increased fitness stamina and power.
While on the roads, all group riders represent Brant Cycling Club and are therefore committed to adhering to the Group Ride Guidelines.
Safe group riding takes practice, and requires a lot of cooperation and open communication. All of our rides are No Drop rides, except Advanced II.
Please note: We encourage all riders joining BCC for the first time, regardless of ability and experience, to attend a novice ride first, prior to joining other rides. It is an important step in learning how our Club and group rides function and the expectations of all BCC members.
Youth Program
Kids love riding bikes. Cycling gives them the feeling of freedom, excitement and opens a whole new world of possibilities.
The Sprockids Youth Mountain Biking program aims to teach kids the skills they require to ride safely and the confidence to reach their full potential on and off the bike.
Participates also gain an appreciation of the benefits of being outside and living an active lifestyle.
Trails & Trail Maintenance
Brantford and Brant County is blessed with a large amount of land that is
ideal for mountain biking trails.
The role of the TD&M Committee is to work closely with local governments, conservation authorities, landowners and other stakeholders to obtain the required permissions to build and maintain cycling infrastructure, including mountain biking trails.
Once approvals have been obtained and trail design is complete, the TD&M Committee will organize ‘work parties’ where local volunteers can come out to learn trail building skills and participate in the creation of local trail networks.
Gravel Rides
Looking for something different? Tired of sharing the road with trucks and vehicles? Not quite ready for a single track path through the forest? Maybe a Gravel Ride is what you are looking for?
Our Gravel Rides explore paved and hard packed trails and lesser used roads in, through and around Brant County. Think of this as a go anywhere ride on your go anywhere bike.
MTB Rides!
New in 2023, we now offer weekly Mountain Bike Rides starting in Paris and Brantford. These are more advanced level rides, on local trails.

Become a member of BCC
Join Brant & Brantford’s largest cycling club.